Saturday, 15 September 2007

Photos on the way...

I need to work out how to compress my photos because it's taking forever (and about 2000Riel) to upload the bloody things!) Photos soon - promise!! xxx


Anonymous said...

Sounds like an amazing experinece so far. Go for it!


Anonymous said...

Phew - was beginning to think you'd vanished due to lack of using the opportunity to write about you you you!! Sounds like you're having an excellent time and can't wait to see the photos to match all these Thomas Hardy esq descriptions!! I reckon you should try a spider - after all you are there to experience things the Cambodian way! Can't believe you're learning another language! Although, I remember our efforts to give directions in spanish when we had to so I think you'll do fine!

More importantly - Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you Happy Birthday dear spanner - happy birthday to you!!!!

Hope your off out for another treat tonight. Is there anything you wish you'd taken that you require posting yet??

Anyway, take care for now!

Love mads xxxx