Wednesday 20 February 2008

English Speakers Need Not Apply

Today was shortlisting day. Surprisingly I have received 8 applications for the job of my VA (Volunteer Assistant). What follows is a mere selection of quotations from the aforementioned cover letters and CVs...

"I wish to apply for any vacant post under your kind control in accordance with my experiences and qualification"

"I hope that the above position that I love I am given as soon as possible"

"I am pleased very much interested to participating with you as Full Time Assistant"

"I know your organisation is high standard profile and need high qualified staffs within core competency to promoting and improving within planning purpose in your industries"

"I look forward to talking and staying in contact with you in hopes that there may be an opportunity to join your body"

"I have had a lot of experience of teaching fields"

"I am anxious to discuss this opportunity with you further, with have no expectation on utilities"


Victoria said...
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Victoria said...

My advice would be if the 3rd to last comment was made by a sexy male applicant....hire girl...hire!!!!!!!!!!